Celebrating Uniqueness While Appreciating Differences


Congratulations on completing your Inner Heroes Online Assessment

Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions in the Inner Heroes Online Assessment.
Inner Heroes is a user-friendly model for self-discovery based on psychology and Temperament Personality Theory. The names Helper, Thinker, Doer and Planner are used to describe four distinct personality types. While each of us is a combination of all of these Inner Heroes that make up our personality profile, one style is the most dominant. The order of your results addresses your most preferred personality traits with the last being the least preferred trait.

This model will help you better understand what motivates how you think, feel and behave. Once you understand yourself, you will learn to appreciate, and accept the differences in others. This knowledge improves your communication and relationships with others at home, work, and other circumstances. In addition to becoming aware of who you really are, you will learn how to reach your highest potential based on what you are naturally good at doing.

Your personality profile and interpretation are provided below.

Your results (score) is arranged from strengths and talents most like you to the least like you.

Together they provide a more thorough interpretation of your personality profile.



Hero Position Hero Score
Primary    0
Second    0
Third    0
Fourth    0

The order of your personality profile: What it means

First – Most Natural Strengths

Your first Hero represents the characteristics that you relate to most strongly. It is also called your Primary Hero. Your self-esteem is derived from the inherent traits of your Primary Hero. These traits come most easily, effortlessly, and natural to you.

Second – Next Strongest Strengths

Your second Hero will influence how you go about expressing your first Hero. You see less of it in yourself but you can easily draw on the strengths inherent in it when needed. We refer to people by their first two Heroes because most of their behavior is expressed in those two Hero types.

Third – Weaker Traits

Your third Hero is weaker than the first two. You are capable of using these traits when needed but they are not a preference and are less enjoyable. They don’t motivate you and you can only use them for a limited time without becoming stressed out.

Fourth – Most Challenging Traits

Your fourth Hero is your least preferred. These traits are also the least natural to you. You may find that you resist this part of your profile because it is the most stressful if you behave in this manner for long periods of time. It also suggests areas where you will encounter many of your challenges and difficulties at work, at home, and in relationships.



You are unique! Your personality strengths and natural talents are your personal path to happiness and success. This report is personalized to describe your personality profile from your primary Hero to your second, third, and your last Hero. It is an introduction to a deeper you to begin your journey of self-discovery from the inside-out. Once you know your true nature, identifying your natural talents will guide you to do what you do best.

Although we have the traits of all four Hero types within us, we each have a dominant Hero that represent our strongest traits, values, talents and behavior. We refer to ourselves by the first 2 Heroes, your primary and secondary Hero, as your Dynamic Combination because together they are even more powerful.  Yet, you are a combination of all 4 Heroes: Helper, Thinker, Planner, and Doer, with weaker traits in the last two.

Read your report in the order provided with your assessment results.

Make sure you read your complete report to understand your total profile where you will see all aspects of your personality.


Each personality has different strengths and preferences. Your primary Hero represents your core personality preference and the behavior that comes naturally to you. Different parts of your personality will be expressed in different environments. This does not mean that the core of who you are changes; instead it shows your ability to adopt the characteristics and behavior necessary to a particular situation. But you should never lose sight of your most natural self as represented by your Primary Hero.

The Planner in you is necessary to organize your daily schedule, your Doer to motivate you to take action, your Thinker to acquire knowledge for a project, and your Helper to show empathy to a friend. This is how we express our total profile based on the nature of the environment we find ourselves in.


In Summary:

Thank you for taking the Inner Heroes Online Assessment. We hope you have gained a better understanding of yourself and others. Remember we are all good at some things and not others. Accepting our personality differences while seeking to build on our strengths makes life more enjoyable for everyone. The idea is not to focus on your weaknesses, represented in your last Hero, but to manage them so that you are not crippled by them. It is important that you do not try to turn a weakness into a strength. It would be a total waste of your time. To continue your journey of living your best self, please see our website at to view all of our services and products. If you are interested in participating in delivering the Inner Heroes message, we offer certification training for coaches, trainers and facilitators in programs shown in the flow chart below. Remember to let the Hero within you guide you from the inside-out to more happiness and success.

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”
        Napoleon Hill
        Think and Grow Rich